All plans are unlimited data, no throttling anytime and no contracts!
Texas Cellnet has never believed in charging by the amount of data used model or slowing customers down on purpose (called throttling). And now, contracts are a thing of the past! We have have always given an optional contract to clients, but we decided to drop them completely. We want our customers to stay with us because we provide a great service with value. Not because they’re stuck in some contract they signed to get on the service. Customers are able to lower or raise their packages at any time as well.
5 Mbps x 5 MbpsSmall Family
10 Mbps x 10 MbpsMidsized Family
15 Mbps x 15 MbpsThe Peoples Choice
20 Mbps x 20 MbpsElite Standard
25 Mbps x 25 MbpsTop Speed
30 Mbps x 30 MbpsResidential Tower Pricing
(Note * – Many locations do not require a tower to obtain line of sight to our towers. A free site survey is always done for each potential internet customer.)
TCI Customers
For existing or new customers only:
- Rohn 25G Tower Sections
Mid Sections: $140 ea. section
Top Sections: $260 ea. section
UP-stack labor: $100 ea. section
DN-stack labor: $50 ea. section
Concrete: $75 per tower
Total for 60 foot Rohn 25G tower installed: $1,635 before tax, internet installation & 1st months fee.
Non TCI Customers
For non customers:
- Rohn 25G Tower Sections
Mid Sections: $140 ea. section
Top Sections: $260 ea. section
UP-stack labor: $100 ea. section
DN-stack labor: $50 ea. section
Concrete: $100 per tower
Total for 60 foot Rohn 25G tower installed: $3,055 before tax.
For existing or new customers only:
- Rohn 45G Tower Sections
Mid Sections: $290 ea. section
Top Sections: $300 ea. section
UP-stack labor: $150 ea. section
DN-stack labor: $100 ea. section
Concrete: $100 per tower
Total for 60 foot Rohn 45G tower installed: $2,750 before tax, internet installation & 1st months fee.
For non customers:
- Rohn 45G Tower Sections
Mid Sections: $290 ea. section
Top Sections: $300 ea. section
UP-stack labor: $150 ea. section
DN-stack labor: $100 ea. section
Concrete: $100 per tower
Total for 60 foot Rohn 45G tower installed: $3,845 before tax.