Speed Packages and Pricing FAQ.
Question: What speeds are available and what are the prices?
Answer: These are our current packages that are available and their prices.

Question: Are custom speed packages available for those that need even more speed than our advertised packages?
Answer: In some cases we may be able to setup custom speed packages depending on the situation. Potential customers can inquire by calling our office at 903-963-5151 or by emailing us here.
Question: What speeds can I really expect?
Answer: We generally deliver a little more than what the package says speeds are up to. That being said, there are situations when a client may not be getting full package speeds. There are a variety of issues or scenarios when this may happen, but we can resolve all types of issues that may cause slowness or to be offline. Be sure to report it asap so that we can quickly resolve any issue for you.
Question: Does Texas Cellnet use throttling techniques at anytime?
Answer: TCI never employs any sort of throttling. The only thing we regulate is the chosen speed package. For example, if you’re on the 5 Mbps x 5 Mbps package, we set your speeds to match that. This set’s the maximum speeds you might see.
Question: Can I try new packages for free?
Answer: While, not free, you are able to switch to any package at any time and the bill is automatically pro-rated on a day by day basis.